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Cucamonga School District

Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

Picture of gavel on desk


In California’s public education system, a trustee is a person elected or appointed to serve on a school district or county board of education.  Individual trustees bring unique skills, values and beliefs to their board.  In order to govern effectively, individual trustees must work with each other and the superintendent to ensure that a high quality education is provided to each student. 

School districts and county offices of education are governed by boards, not by individual trustees.  While understanding their separate roles, the Board and superintendent work together as a “governance team.”  This team assumes collective responsibility for building unity and creating a positive organizational culture in order to govern effectively.  

The primary responsibilities of the Board are to set a direction for the District, provide a structure by establishing policies, ensure accountability and provide community leadership on behalf of the District and public education.


Our Core Beliefs …

We believe that all children benefit from education and deserve the opportunity to learn.

We believe that safe, well-maintained schools and school facilities benefit our students and our community.

We believe that all teachers, classified staff and administration should be competent, exceptional professionals who are committed to children. We believe in competitive salaries, a positive employee relations program, and regular evaluation for all personnel.

We trust our administration and staff to recruit, train, retain and manage our district personnel.

We believe that adequate funding is necessary from the state and federal government to maintain a comprehensive and quality school district. We practice good fiscal stewardship of taxpayer monies and will work to bring additional revenues to the Cucamonga schools.

We believe in schools that offer a well-rounded education program including extra curricular activities such as sports, music, drama and the arts.

We believe that the successful schools and school systems involve parents, community, students, teachers, classified staff and administration in decision-making and discussion.

We believe that active parent involvement is essential to student achievement.

We believe that the strength of our school district lies in the diversity of our population. We embrace and strive to appreciate diverse cultural, racial, religious, and language differences.


District Goals

Goal 1: Student Achievement

Focus on, promote and encourage the success of each student to meet or exceed grade level standards through scientifically research based quality curriculum, effective teaching strategies and professional development.

Goal 2:  Parent/Community Involvement

Increase the effectiveness of parents, teachers, and students working together as a team, through regular communication to ensure student achievement and success.

Goal 3:  Finance/Resources/Facilities

Use all available resources to support optimum learning experiences for students by establishing priorities and controls which ensure spending in a responsible manner.