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Cucamonga School District



Judy Martinez
Student Services Secretary
909.987.8942 ext. 8358

Erica Angle
Director of Student Services
909.987.8942 ext. 8352


Tweets by Attend_2Achieve



School Attendance is Important!




Back to School Time! Are You Ready?




Kindergarden Attendance is Important!



Cucamonga School District Students Attend to Achieve!

With very few exceptions, California's compulsory education laws require all children to attend school.  Parents/guardians are responsible for their child's school attendance from age 6 until age 18.  If your student is chronically absent from school, you can be cited and face other legal consequences.  But this doesn't mean that your student is expected to have perfect attendance!

There are days when your student won't be able to attend school.  Your student's absence will be excused or unexcused, depending on the reason for the absence.  Please click on the link below for a list of excused and unexcused absences.  NOTE:  If you don't clear your student's absence with their school, the absence will be marked unexcused.


Excused and Unexcused Absences (PDF)

Excused and Unexcused Absences_Spanish (PDF)


Cucamonga School District wants to work with families to improve their student's attendance.  Your student's opportunities for academic achievement and future success increase by attending school on a regular basis.  Your student's school may ask you to attend a SART meeting to discuss ways to improve your student's attendance.  After a SART meeting, if your student's attendance doesn't improve, you may receive a SARB referral.  The Excused and Unexcused Absences links above contain information about SARB. 

If you have questions about SART, SARB, or your student's attendance, please reach out to the Attendance Coordinator at your student's school or contact our district's CWA Coordinator.



Attend To Achieve (English)

Attend To Achieve (Spanish)

Upcoming Attendance Events