Victoria Whisler, R.N.
Tiffany Benson, R.N.
Stephanie Garcia-LVN
Kulburn Torres
Chelsie Johnston
Laura Lam
Justice Williams
Krista Vargas
Rachelle Hernandez
Madison Mader
Chelsie Johnston
In order to provide a healthy school environment for all children and staff, the following instructions have been prepared to assist you in decisions relating to your child’s health and school attendance. If your child is not feeling well and you are uncertain about sending him/her on any given school day, it is best to keep your child at home and observe him/her for worsening symptoms. If a child is too ill to attend school in the morning, it is recommended that he/she stay home all day.
Please call the school Attendance Office when your child is absent from school.
It is important for children with chronic illnesses to have care plans at school. Health Care Plans (HCP) provide information for school staff on how to take care of your child and handle emergencies which may occur as a result of the child’s illness. It is the responsibility of the parent to notify the school of their child’s medical condition. Notify the school by turning in the signed by physician, Medical Statement For Students With Allergies and/or Chronic Diseases.
You can make an appointment with your school nurse to discuss your child’s medical condition and obtain copies of health care plan forms. (909) 948-3044-ext 6226.
Immunization requirements for the 2022-2023 school year/SB 277: All incoming Kindergarten and 7th grade students must have current immunizations on record to begin school on August 11, 2022. California law SB 277 no longer allows personal or religious beliefs exemptions. Click here more information.
The California Immunization Record (sometimes called the “yellow card”) helps you keep track of what shots your child has received and when. Keep it safe, and keep it up-to-date. Bring it with you when you take your children in for shots. If you can’t find your child’s record card, ask your doctor’s office for a copy. Many California medical offices and clinics can now update your child’s yellow card automatically using an electronic immunization registry.
At registration, the following documentation must be provided to our office staff:
To meet the requirements of the State of California, immunizations must be current in order to begin Kindergarten. The following are a list of immunizations that all students, must have before registration can be completed.