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Cucamonga School District

Special Education

Special Education

  • Tracee Stewart, Special Education Director/School Psychologist
  • Ana Ramos, School Psychologist
  • Amanda Contreras, Porto School Psychologist
  • Berenice Paramo, Secretary

The Cucamonga School District provides a variety of Special Education services that include, but not limited to the following based on student’s needs:

  • Specialized Academic Instruction
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Adapted Physical Education
  • Positive Behavioral Supports
  • Preschool Programs for student between the ages of three and five years old.

Parents of students with exceptional needs have additional rights and protections referred to as: Parent's Rights and Procedural Safeguards. This document is available here in English and in Spanish.

Clinical Parent Training Program – Fall 2018 program information may be attained at your home school.

Become a part of the Community Advisory Committee today! For more information, click here. (Link under development)

Children are eligible to receive Special Education and related services after a comprehensive evaluation and when the IEP team determines that the child meets state and federal eligibility criteria and requires special education services. Not all children with special needs require special education services. There are fourteen categories of eligibility for special education:

  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Speech or Language Impairment
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Multiple Disabilities
  • Emotional Disturbance
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Autism
  • Other Health Impairment
  • Visual Impairment
  • Deafness
  • Orthopedic
  • Impairment
  • Deaf/Blindness
  • Hard of Hearing
  • Established Medical Disability (0-5 years old)

Most students are served through district programs, including Resource Specialist Programs, Special Day Classes and Related Services. Some students, whose needs cannot be met in district programs, are served through other contracted programs.


General Education Classroom Support for the student may be provided through teacher consultation with a special education teacher. Based on the information provided to the regular classroom teacher, the program is modified to meet the student’s needs.

Support for the student may be provided by an instructional assistant. This could be in the form of working with a student or group of students for one or more periods a day. It could also be a one-on-one assistant for a portion of the school day or the entire school day.

Related Services

A specialist comes to the school and provides specific learning activities to meet the student’s needs. This service is provided at a frequency and setting that is based on the student’s need and agreed to by the IEP team.  Typical services provided in this format include:

  • Adaptive Physical Education
  • Physical Therapy (Large motor skills)
  • Occupational Therapy (Small motor skills)
  • Counseling
  • Speech and Language Services
  • Behavior Support

Resource Specialist Program

A special education teacher provides small group instruction to

specifically address the identified educationally related goals set by the IEP team for the student. The student is provided Specialized Academic Instruction at a duration and frequency that is based on the student’s need and agreed to by the IEP team. This specialized instruction can be provided by pulling the student out of the regular classroom to work in small groups. It can also be specialized small group instruction provided by the special education teacher/instructional assistant in the regular classroom setting

Special Day Class Students are provided Specialized Academic Instruction at a duration and frequency that is based on the student’s need and agreed to by the IEP team.  A special education teacher and one or more instructional assistants provide instruction and support. Class sizes vary from five to eighteen students depending on the level of disability.  Inclusion opportunities are coordinated by the classroom teacher and are also driven by each individual student’s IEP.  Instructional assistants may accompany students when they are in a regular classroom setting. Special day classes may have students with one specific type of disability or serve students who have a variety of different disabilities.

Non-Public School setting is provided to those students whose needs cannot be addressed in a public school setting and only after all other options have been considered and, if possible, exhausted. 

Other contracted programs are available for student’s whose needs cannot be addressed in the district of residence and only after all other options have been considered, and if possible, exhausted. 


San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools
8265 Aspen Avenue, Suite 200, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
(909) 476-6188 or fax (909)

For a free copy of A Composite of Laws
(800) 995-4099 or fax (916) 323-0832

Information regarding the implementation of Special Education laws
(916) 445-4613 or fax (916) 327-3516

(951) 890-3000 or fax (951) 890-3001