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Cucamonga School District

Hiring Process

Hiring Process

All job vacancies, including Substitute Teachers, are posted on our website and EdJoin.  On-line applications are only accepted when a position is posted.
Once a position has been closed, all applications will be reviewed and screened to determine which applicants meet the minimum qualifications of the position.  Reviewers will then determine which of the qualified candidates most closely meets a site/department need based on such things as qualifications and work experience.

Certificated Vacancies
The Cucamonga School District seeks qualified candidates who possess a California teaching credential, and English Learner authorization. Credential information is available on the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing website.  All applications and supporting documents must be submitted on-line. 

Classified Vacancies
The Cucamonga School District employs personnel in a large variety of areas both full-time and part-time.  All applications and supporting documents must be submitted on-line.  Most classified positions will require testing for any candidate who passes the initial paper screening process.

Substitute Teacher Vacancies and Information
Substitute Teacher positions are filled on an "as needed basis".  All applications and supporting documents must be submitted on-line.  The Cucamonga School District requires that all successful applicants are in possession of a BA or BS degree, CBEST and fingerprint clearance.

Daily Rate
Substitute Teachers who work in any full assignment (two half day assignments will be counted as one full day assignment) will be paid at the following rate. For the purpose of calculating the daily rate below, it is not necessary to work in the same assignment:
1-20 days       $200 (half-day rate: $100)
21-40 days     $220 (half-day rate: $110)
41+                 $275 (half-day rate: $137.50) 

The rate of pay will become effective on the first day of service at each level. There will be no retroactive pay for work in a different level. This tiered rate of pay will be recalculated back to Day 1 each school year.

Long-Term Rate
Substitute Teachers who work in the same assignment (long-term) for 21+ days will be compensated at the $275 daily rate retroactive to the first day in the assignment.

Substitute Teachers who work in the same assignment (long-term) for 91+ days may be placed on a Temporary Contract and placed on the certificated salary schedule.

** Substitute Teachers placed in a long-term assignment may receive a higher rate of pay PRIOR to working the minimum required days (as shown above) depending on assignment. Long-term assignments and rate of pay will be determined by the District.

The Cucamonga School District uses AESOP which is a 24-hour automated calling system that schedules all substitute teaching jobs.  AESOP will start calling Substitute Teachers for same day jobs at 5:00 a.m.  Future jobs are called between 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.  You can call AESOP at 1-800-942-3767 or access via the web to review current assignments, review available jobs, cancel a job, and review personal information.